Good Corporate Governance


    A.The application of the principles of good corporate governance refers to POJK Number 73 / POJK.05 / 2016 concerning Good Corporate Governance for Insurance Companies. Companies in carrying out their business activities at all levels or levels of the organization must apply the principles of good corporate governance including transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, equality and fairness.
    In implementing good corporate governance, the Company has optimized the duties, functions and responsibilities of each organ of the Company so as to improve supervision, control, risk management, compliance and corporate governance. Company organs in improving the implementation of good corporate governance at PT. Asuransi Sumit Oto Insurance includes:
    1. General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)
    2. Board of Commissioners
    3. Committees under the Board of Commissioners
      1. Remuneration and Nomination Committee
      2. Risk Oversight Committee
      3. Audit Committee
      4. Corporate Governance Policy Committee
    4. Directors
    5. Committees under the Board of Directors
      1. Risk Management Committee
      2. Product Development Committee
      3. Komite Investasi
    1. PT Asuransi Sumit Oto adjusts the frequency of meetings between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors and the Corporate Secretary at least once every three months according to POJK Number 73 / POJK.05 / 2016.
    2. PT Asuransi Sumit Oto always bases its policy making and / or Standard Operational Procedure on the basic principles of Good Corporate Governance, the Company's vision and mission, as well as the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.
    3. PT Asuransi Sumit Oto continuously implements, evaluates, and develops an effective internal control and risk management system for the sake of professional and trusted business activities.
    4. PT Asuransi Sumit Oto continuously improves transparency by developing a whistleblowing system by activating Complaints and Whistleblowing Facilities and disseminating information to all employees, whose implementation and monitoring and follow-up are carried out by the Good Corporate Governance Management Team and Internal Audit Unit.